Wednesday 17th January 2001, at 7 p.m., on a large screen we watch the projection of the film which we filmed with PEGASE PRODUCTION.

This was reported
 in the newspaper "La Voix du Nord" :
Click on the thumbnail to read the editorial

      The images of the film were magnificent and unrehersed. Marion's commentary is very good. The music
       of the credit titles is very amusing as are the images.
       I very much liked the accelerated score of the tombola ticket sellers who were Jeremy, Laetitia
       and others.
       What touched me most was the drawing by Marion and Justine and the seals swimming in the pool.
       I loved the first scenes filmed in « Platier d’Oye » but I know that I'd never have enough words to say
       on how much I enjoyed this film which reminds me of the good times we had in class and elsewhere
       with the film crew.


There were around 300 people in the hall
 The film was a great success !
 The audience were thus able to get to know
the seals on our coast through the eyes of the children.

I thought I was in the cinema with
the big screen. My parents really enjoyed it,
like me ! 
Especially as in the film I said "Louis male,
Marion female", because Marrije didn't
understand what Marion want to know
(if our seal Pelote was a male or a female).
The presentation of the film was very good.
It was funny when Theo was looking through
the telescope and couldn't see anything
as he had taken off his glasses.
Marion spoke very well. The seals had very
doleful eyes.
I loved it all !

       Me, I really  liked the music at the beginning and especially when Alexis jumped 
       on Louis who fell in the sand. Then everyone came and played with Alexis and Louis. 
       You can see us working in class ;

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In Pieterburen - Filming on the Côte d'Opale
